Participation rate of people aged 25-54, in formal and non-formal education and training in the United States, 2000-2023
Adult participation in learning in Switzerland, 2000-2023
Average spend on workplace training per employee globally, 2008-2021 (USD)
Survey of Companies Globally: Top business practices to increase talent availability within companies (2023)
Learning hours in the workplace per employee globally, 2009-2021 (Learning Hours per Employee)
Number of STEM and non-STEM occupations in the United States, 2022 and 2032F (Millions of Occupations)
Total expenditure on global workplace training, 2007-2023F (Billions USD)
Learning and development programs deployed at organizations globally, 2021-2022
Estimated average annual salary of teachers in the United States, 1959-2021 (Thousands USD)
Highest paying bachelor's degrees in the United States by mid-career pay, 2021/22 (Thousands USD)
Percentage of male teachers in preschools in Norway, 2014-2022