Charts and data on 150 strategic sectors of the global impact economy
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Number of electrically assisted bicycles sold in France, 2005-2022 (Thousands of Units)
Global government spending on space programs, 2014-2022 (Billions USD)
European Space Agency's main contributors, 2022 (Millions USD)
Highest education qualification attained by adult residents in Singapore, 2022 (Millions of Residents)
Operational management strategies employed by US pharmacies, July 2023
Annual cardboard recycling rate in the United States, 2000-2022
Percentage of aged 16-74 population in Sweden by level of education, 2022
Most popular types of purchased health apps in the US, 2022
Number of schools in Egypt by educational level, 2021-2022 (Thousands of Schools)
Production volume of silicon wafers in China, 2016-2021 (Gigawatts)
Global technology, media, and telecommunications sector labor shortage, 2020-2030F (Millions of Workers)
Federal funds for research at universities in the United States by department, 2021 (Billions USD)
Global primary school completion rate, 2000-2020
Budget of global leading space agencies, 2018 (Billions USD)
Additions to wind power capacity by country, 2022 (Gigawatts)
Average total debt of students graduating from Ivy League schools, 2022 (Thousands USD)
Top 10 countries based on government expenditure on diabetes, 2021 (Billions USD)
Share of government expenditure on education in gross domestic product (GDP) in Russia, 2010-2021
Countries with the lowest share of governmental health expenditure, 2020
Births and Deaths in Japan, 2013-2023 (Millions of People)
Corn production in the US by share of usage, 1980-2024
Survey of US College Students: Share of college students in the US who reported having ever used selected substances by gender (2022)
Consumers' powertrain preferences for their next vehicle (October 2022)
Number of green hydrogen production facilities globally, as of 2022
Global carbon emissions from Agriculture, 1990-2020 (Billion Tons)
Languages by number of speakers globally, 2023 (Millions of Speakers)
Global host destinations by number of international students, 2022 (Thousands of Students)
Micro Credentials, search interest over time, 2019-2023
Physician density in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2017 (Physicians per Thousand Inhabitants)
Cost comparisons between laparoscopic and robotic surgeries, 2012-2019 (USD Thousands)
Marijuana use among US college students receiving mental healthcare, 2012-2023
College enrollment by race/ethnicity in the US, 1976-2030F (Millions of Students)
Overall, how satisfied are you with the quality of education students receive in kindergarten through grade 12 in the U.S. today -- would you say you are completely satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or completely dissatisfied?
CO2 emissions reductions in cumulative savings by mitigation measures in the Net Zero Scenario, 2022-2050
Primary drug of patients in treatment by region, 2021
Share of physicians by age group in the US, 2021
Unemployment rates in India by age group, 2000, 2012 & 2023
Migrant workers as a share of the total workforce among host regions, 2019
Poverty rate in select regions, 1981-2021
Government expenditure on education in selected countries, 2010-2021
US Higher Education Credentials Conferred, 1870 – 2030P (Millions of Conferrals)
CO₂ emissions composition by fuel or industry type, 1750-2021 (Percentage of Global Emissions)