Learning hours in the workplace per employee globally, 2009-2021 (Learning Hours per Employee)
Online platforms that offer short and focused learning modules and resources.
Distribution of ICT specialists by sex in the EU, 2022
Total expenditure on global workplace training, 2007-2023F (Billions USD)
Global technology, media, and telecommunications sector labor shortage, 2020-2030F (Millions of Workers)
2U/edX number of employees over the years
Digital jobs as a percentage of the total workforce, 2015
Distribution of ICT specialists by education attainment level, 2022 (Europe)
Major MOOC Registered Users
Relative share of ICT specialists in total employment in Europe, 2022
Number of ICT Specialists employed in the EU, 2012-2022 (Millions)
New jobs for GCC nationals (Millions)
Learning and development programs deployed at organizations globally, 2021-2022