Share of business schools allocating dedicated funding for AI/GenAI initiatives by region, 2024
Number of school closures in the United States, 1985-2023
Number of teachers in NFE in Thailand, 2016-2020 (Thousands of Teachers)
Budget allocation for education sector in India, 2018-2024 (Billions INR)
Number of Bachelor's and Master's degrees in universities in Germany, 2000-2023 (Thousands of Programs)
HolonIQ Higher Education (HIQHE)
Global EdTech Venture Funding, 2010-2023 (Billion USD)
HolonIQ Education Technology (HIQEDTCH)
Top 10 language learning app by usage, 2021
New apprentices in the United States, 2008-2021 (Thousands of Apprentices)
Global Online Degrees, Micro-Credentials and Global OPM Market Size. 2019-2025 (Billion USD)
Survey of US teachers: Which of the following ways have you used Generative AI tools (such as Chat GPT, Bard, DALL-E, etc.) in the classroom? 2023
Overall, how satisfied are you with the quality of education students receive in kindergarten through grade 12 in the U.S. today -- would you say you are completely satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or completely dissatisfied?
Average total debt of students graduating from Ivy League schools, 2022 (Thousands USD)
Marijuana use among US college students receiving mental healthcare, 2012-2023
Share of business schools creating labs, innovation centers, dedicated spaces for AI/GenAI exploration, 2024
Public expenditure on education in China, 2012-2023 (Trillions CNY)
Government expenditure on education in Thailand, 2013-2023 (Billions THB)
Illiteracy rate among all adults over 15-years-old by region, 2022
Expenditure on education system in Finland in selected years, 2000-2022 (Billions EUR)
Total amount of outstanding HELP debts in Australia, 2011-2024 (Billions AUD)
Number of students enrolled in secondary education in Morocco, 2000-2022 (Millions of Students)
Number of students in preschool in Sweden, 2012-2023 (Thousands of Students)
Government expenditure on education in Russia by segment, 2022 (Trillions RUB)
School dropout rate in Romania, 2011-2023
Number of preschools in Norway, 2014-2022 (Thousands of Schools)
Number of primary school students in Denmark, 2011-2023 (Thousands of Students)
Share of students studying online in the US by total household income, 2022
Number of new AI jobs in the United States, 2018-2024 (Thousands of Jobs)
Number of teachers globally by education level, 2000-2022 (Millions of Teachers)
World population by level of education (1950-2100)
HolonIQ China Education (HIQCEDU)
HolonIQ Education Stock Indice Performance (Jan 2022-Dec 2023)