Saudi Arabia - Theoretical duration of pre-primary education (years)
Iraq - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, middle quintile, female (%)
Jordan - Inbound internationally mobile students from South America, both sexes (number)
Syria - Total net attendance rate, lower secondary, urban, fourth quintile, female (%)
Yemen - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, second quintile, both sexes (%)
Syria - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, middle quintile, female (%)
Yemen - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, female (%)
Palestine - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, second quintile, both sexes (%)
Iraq - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, male (%)
Iraq - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, urban, poorest quintile, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)
Syria - School age population, early childhood education, female (number)
Oman - Official entrance age to lower secondary education (years)
United Arab Emirates - Theoretical duration of upper secondary education (years)
Israel - Enrolment in primary education, male (number)
Palestine - Teachers in tertiary education ISCED 6, 7 and 8 programmes, both sexes (number)
Oman - End month of the academic school year (tertiary education)
Bahrain - Inbound internationally mobile students from East Asia and the Pacific, both sexes (number)
Qatar - Teachers in tertiary education ISCED 6, 7 and 8 programmes, male (number)
Palestine - Enrolment in lower secondary education, male (number)
United Arab Emirates - Official entrance age to compulsory education (years)
Bahrain - Inbound internationally mobile students from North America and Western Europe, both sexes (number)
Jordan - Inbound internationally mobile students from Latin America and the Caribbean, both sexes (number)
Yemen - Enrolment in upper secondary education, male (number)
Israel - Start month of the academic school year (pre-primary to post-secondary non-tertiary education)
Yemen - Teachers in tertiary education ISCED 6, 7 and 8 programmes, both sexes (number)
Kuwait - Official entrance age to compulsory education (years)
Kuwait - 15--19 Population (000's), SSP2 Scenario
Jordan - Percentage of graduates from tertiary education graduating from Social Sciences, Journalism and Information programmes, both sexes (%)
Syria - Start of the academic school year (pre-primary to post-secondary non tertiary education)
Syria - Repeaters in Grade 2 of lower secondary general education, male (number)