Number of green hydrogen production facilities globally, as of 2022
Netherlands - Enrolment in early childhood education, male (number)
Netherlands - Inbound internationally mobile students from Central and Eastern Europe, both sexes (number)
Netherlands - Percentage of teachers in primary education who are female (%)
Netherlands - Gross enrolment ratio, primary and lower secondary, female (%)
Netherlands - Gross enrolment ratio, upper secondary, both sexes (%)
Netherlands - Share of all students in lower secondary education enrolled in general programmes (%)
Netherlands - Share of all students in upper secondary education enrolled in general programmes (%)
Netherlands - Outbound mobility ratio, all regions, both sexes (%)
Netherlands - Gross graduation ratio from first degree programmes (ISCED 6 and 7) in tertiary education, gender parity index (GPI)
Average student debt in the Netherlands, 2012-2023 (Thousands EUR)
Flight Training Students from Netherlands to United States - SEVIS
Active Students from Netherlands to Alaska - SEVIS
Primary Students from Netherlands to United States - SEVIS
High School Students from Netherlands to United States - SEVIS
Male Students from Netherlands to United States - SEVIS
Associate Students from Netherlands to United States - SEVIS
Gross electricity production from renewable sources in Netherlands, 1990-2020 (Terawatt Hours)
Government expenditure on education in the Netherlands, 2002-2022 (Millions EUR)
Active Students from Netherlands to California - SEVIS
Active Students from Netherlands to Ohio - SEVIS
Active Students from Netherlands to New Hampshire - SEVIS
Active Students from Netherlands to Arkansas - SEVIS
Active Students from Netherlands to Oklahoma - SEVIS
Female Students from Netherlands to United States - SEVIS
Active Students from Netherlands to Tennessee - SEVIS
Active Students from Netherlands to Pennsylvania - SEVIS
Active Students from Netherlands to New York - SEVIS
Active Students from Netherlands to South Dakota - SEVIS