CO2 emissions in the Southeast region by country, 1960-2021 (Million Tons)
HolonIQ Southeast Asia Health Tech 50, Sub Sector Composition (2021-2023)
HolonIQ Southeast Asia Health Tech 50, Business Model Composition (2021-2023)
Regional average life expectancy at birth globally, 1990 and 2019 (Years)
Laos - Theoretical duration of primary education (years)
Malaysia - Theoretical duration of lower secondary education (years)
Thailand - Enrolment in early childhood educational development programmes, male (number)
Lao People's Democratic Republic - 5--9 Population (000's), SSP2 Scenario
Singapore - Official entrance age to post-secondary non-tertiary education (years)
Timor Leste - Teachers in tertiary education ISCED 6, 7 and 8 programmes, both sexes (number)
Timor Leste - Enrolment in early childhood education, female (number)
Thailand - Teachers in tertiary education ISCED 6, 7 and 8 programmes, male (number)
Myanmar - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, second quintile, both sexes (%)
HolonIQ Southeast Asia Health Tech 50, Age Composition (2021-2023)
Timor Leste - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, middle quintile, female (%)
Malaysia - Inbound internationally mobile students from South America, both sexes (number)
Myanmar - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, second quintile, male (%)
Laos - Total net attendance rate, lower secondary, urban, richest quintile, both sexes (%)
Thailand - Total net attendance rate, lower secondary, urban, second quintile, female (%)
Timor Leste - Total net attendance rate, lower secondary, urban, middle quintile, both sexes (%)
HolonIQ Southeast Asia EdTech 50, Business Model Composition (2020-2023)
Number of international migrants by regions, 1990-2020 (Millions of Migrants)
HolonIQ Southeast Asia Climate Tech 50, Age Composition (2021-2023)
HolonIQ Southeast Asia EdTech 50, Sub Sector Composition (2020-2023)
HolonIQ Southeast Asia EdTech 50, Country Composition (2020-2023)
HolonIQ Southeast Asia EdTech 50, Age Composition (2020-2023)
HolonIQ Southeast Asia Health Tech 50, Country Composition (2021-2023)
Thailand - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, middle quintile, adjusted location parity index (LPIA)