Active Students from Brunei to District of Columbia - SEVIS
Brunei - Gross enrolment ratio, primary, both sexes (%)
Brunei - Gross enrolment ratio, upper secondary, female (%)
Brunei - Adult illiterate population, 15+ years, urban, male (number)
Brunei - Share of all students in lower secondary education enrolled in general programmes (%)
Brunei - Theoretical duration of lower secondary education (years)
Brunei - Teachers in tertiary education ISCED 6, 7 and 8 programmes, both sexes (number)
Brunei - Mean years of schooling (ISCED 1 or higher), population 25+ years, both sexes
Brunei - Inbound internationally mobile students from South and West Asia, both sexes (number)
Brunei - Teaching staff compensation as a percentage of total expenditure in upper secondary public institutions (%)
Brunei Balance of Trade
Active Students from Brunei to Delaware - SEVIS
Active Students from Brunei to Florida - SEVIS
Active Students from Brunei to Missouri - SEVIS
Active Students from Brunei to Colorado - SEVIS
Active Students from Brunei to Kansas - SEVIS
Active Students from Brunei to Illinois - SEVIS
Active Students from Brunei to Mississippi - SEVIS
Active Students from Brunei to Minnesota - SEVIS
Active Students from Brunei to Indiana - SEVIS
Active Students from Brunei to Massachusetts - SEVIS
Active Students from Brunei to Maine - SEVIS
Active Students from Brunei to Maryland - SEVIS
Active Students from Brunei to Connecticut - SEVIS
Active Students from Brunei to Puerto Rico - SEVIS
Active Students from Brunei to Northern Mariana Islands - SEVIS
Active Students from Brunei to New Hampshire - SEVIS
Active Students from Brunei to Guam - SEVIS
Active Students from Brunei to New Jersey - SEVIS
Active Students from Brunei to North Carolina - SEVIS