Finland - Inbound internationally mobile students from South America, both sexes (number)
Sweden - Inbound internationally mobile students from South America, both sexes (number)
Denmark - Caribbean and Central America: Students from Mexico, both sexes (number)
Iceland - School age population, early childhood education, female (number)
Latvia - Repetition rate in Grade 1 of lower secondary general education, male (%)
Sweden - Outbound internationally mobile tertiary students studying in Central Asia, both sexes (number)
Iceland - Out-of-school children of primary school age, male (number)
Denmark - Total net enrolment rate, upper secondary, gender parity index (GPI)
Denmark - Total net enrolment rate, lower secondary, female (%)
Norway - Asia: Students from Afghanistan, both sexes (number)
HolonIQ Nordic Baltic EdTech 50, Cohort Business Model Distribution (2020-2024)
HolonIQ Nordic Baltic EdTech 50, Cohort Age Distribution (2020-2024)
HolonIQ Nordic Baltic EdTech 50, Cohort Country Split (2020-2024)
HolonIQ Nordic Baltic EdTech 50, Cohort Subsector Distribution (2020-2024)
HolonIQ Nordic Baltic Climate Tech 100, Age Composition (2021-2023)
HolonIQ Nordic Baltic Climate Tech 100, Country Composition (2021-2023)
HolonIQ Nordic Baltic EdTech 50, Sub Sector Composition (2020-2023)
HolonIQ Nordic Baltic EdTech 50, Age Composition (2020-2023)
HolonIQ Nordic Baltic Climate Tech 100, Business Model Composition (2021-2023)
Lithuania - Theoretical duration of pre-primary education (years)
HolonIQ Nordic Baltic EdTech 50, Country Composition (2020-2023)
Norway - Theoretical duration of primary education (years)
Lithuania - Enrolment in early childhood educational development programmes, male (number)
Finland - Enrolment in lower secondary education, male (number)
Faeroe Islands - End month of the academic school year (pre-primary to post-secondary non-tertiary education)
Sweden - Teachers in upper secondary education, female (number)
HolonIQ Nordic Baltic Climate Tech 100, Sub Sector Composition (2021-2023)
Denmark - Inbound internationally mobile students from Latin America and the Caribbean, both sexes (number)
HolonIQ Nordic Baltic EdTech 50, Business Model Composition (2020-2023)
Norway - Percentage of graduates from tertiary education graduating from Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics programmes, both sexes (%)