Total college enrolment (undergraduate & graduate students) in the United States, 1950-2023 (Millions of Students)
College enrollment by race/ethnicity in the US, 1976-2030F (Millions of Students)
China's total outbound K12 and HE student flow (1998-2021)
India - International Students enrolled in US
European students' preferred social media platforms for university search
Australia - Net flow ratio of internationally mobile students (inbound - outbound), both sexes (%)
Higher education international student enrollments in the UK, 2017-2021 (Thousands of Students)
Services and solutions used by colleges to attract students to apply and enroll to their institutions both domestically and internationally.
Survey of International Students in the US: What was/will be the first step in your search for a graduate program?
US HE Enrolments by Ethnicity, 1976-2030