Installed power capacity in Spain by technology, 2023 (Gigawatts)
Share of electricity generation in Turkey in by source, 2021
Number of sites generating electricity from hydropower in the UK, 2003-2021 (Thousands of Sites)
Capacity of renewable energy projects in connection queues by development stages, 2022 (Terawatts)
Capacity additions of hydropower energy by region, 2022 (Gigawatts)
HolonIQ Hydropower (HIQHYDRO)
Electricity production in France by energy source, 2020-2022 (Terawatt Hours)
Number of renewable electric power plants in Japan by energy source, 2023
Distribution of power generation in South Korea by energy source, 2022
Hydropower production in France by region, 2022 (Gigawatt Hours)
Installed electricity capacity in the Netherlands by source, 2021 (Gigawatts)
Hydroelectric power generation in Russia, 2013-2021 (Terawatt Hours)
Total energy supply in Turkey by source, 2018-2023 (Exajoules)
Installed power capacity in Poland by fuel, 2014-2023 (Gigawatts)