Survey of US workers: Share of respondents who rate the opportunities their company provides for them to advance their career as good or excellent (2019)
Survey of US Students: Preference of students who had the opportunity to directly compare studying with ChatGPT versus a tutor (2023)
Share of all available apps on Google Play, by category, as of Q3 2022
Mental health and suicidality variables amongst school students in the US, 2011-2021 (Percentage of Students)
Distribution of total education spending by source, year and income groups
Months of school required to catch up to pre-COVID achievement levels in the United States, 2023
HolonIQ 2023 Global EdTech 1000, Business Model by Region
HolonIQ 2023 EdTech 1000 Regional CEO Gender Distribution
US Higher Education Enrollment by Modality, 2012-2030F
HolonIQ 2023 EdTech 1000 Regional Subsector Distribution
Personal Benefits Gained Through Peer Learning
World population by level of education (1950-2100)
HolonIQ 2023 EdTech 1000 Regional Age Distribution
Interest in Degree Apprenticeships is at an All Time High
Income growth from additional hours of paid work by household income decile
Criteria used by EdTech companies to measure outcomes
Student achievement gaps for math and reading in the United States, Spring 2023
Survey: How would you describe your organization's adoption of AI? (Aug-Sep 2019, Aug-Sep 2022)
Expected benefits from participating in the European Universities Initiative
Staff who considered leaving the education sector, by job role