Tokelau - Out-of-school adolescents and youth of secondary school age, male (number)
Tokelau - Gross enrolment ratio, primary, both sexes (%)
Tokelau - Gross enrolment ratio, primary, female (%)
Tokelau - Gross enrolment ratio, primary and secondary, gender parity index (GPI)
Tokelau - Teachers in lower secondary education, male (number)
Tokelau - Start month of the academic school year (tertiary education)
Tokelau - Enrolment in upper secondary education, female (number)
Tokelau - Enrolment in secondary education, both sexes (number)
Tokelau - Official entrance age to lower secondary education (years)
Tokelau - Percentage of teachers in secondary education who are female (%)
Tokelau - Gross enrolment ratio, secondary, male (%)
Tokelau - School age population, pre-primary education, female (number)
Tokelau - End of the academic school year (tertiary education)
Tokelau - School life expectancy, primary and secondary, gender parity index (GPI)
Tokelau - Total net enrolment rate, upper secondary, both sexes (%)
Tokelau - Total net enrolment rate, primary, gender parity index (GPI)
Tokelau - School life expectancy, primary and secondary, female (years)
Tokelau - Total net enrolment rate, upper secondary, male (%)
Tokelau - Percentage of teachers in primary education who are female (%)
Tokelau - Gross enrolment ratio, primary to tertiary, gender parity index (GPI)
Tokelau - Population of the official entrance age to primary education, male (number)
Tokelau - Population of the official entrance age to secondary general education, male (number)
Tokelau - Enrolment in early childhood education, both sexes (number)
Tokelau - Enrolment in secondary education, female (number)
Tokelau - School age population, secondary education, male (number)
Tokelau - School age population, primary education, female (number)
Tokelau - Enrolment in pre-primary education, male (number)
Tokelau - Teachers in upper secondary education, male (number)
Tokelau - Teachers in lower secondary education, both sexes (number)
Tokelau - Enrolment in pre-primary education, both sexes (number)