HolonIQ Puerto Rico Impact 50, Age Composition 2024
Puerto Rico - Enrolment in early childhood education, female (number)
Puerto Rico - 55--59 Population (000's), SSP2 Scenario
Puerto Rico - Gross enrolment ratio, upper secondary, male (%)
Puerto Rico - Gross enrolment ratio, secondary, female (%)
Puerto Rico - Youth illiterate population, 15-24 years, male (number)
Puerto Rico - Outbound mobility ratio, all regions, both sexes (%)
Puerto Rico - Mean years of schooling (ISCED 1 or higher), population 25+ years, male
Puerto Rico Bankruptcies
Puerto Rico - 5--9 Population (000's), SSP2 Scenario
Puerto Rico - Total net enrolment rate, lower secondary, gender parity index (GPI)
HolonIQ Puerto Rico Impact 50, Industry Composition 2024
HolonIQ Puerto Rico Impact 50, Business Model Composition 2024
Puerto Rico - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)
Puerto Rico - Repetition rate in Grade 2 of primary education, male (%)
Puerto Rico - Gross enrolment ratio, primary, female (%)
Puerto Rico - Official entrance age to compulsory education (years)
Puerto Rico - Current expenditure other than staff compensation as a percentage of total expenditure in pre-primary public institutions (%)
Puerto Rico - Total net enrolment rate, upper secondary, gender parity index (GPI)
Puerto Rico - Percentage of graduates from tertiary education graduating from Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics programmes, both sexes (%)