Share of business schools implementing AI or Gen AI into existing courses by region, 2024
Annual tuition and fees at leading universities in the United States, 2023/24 (Thousands USD)
Number of closures of degree-granting postsecondary institutions in the United States, 1969-2021
Average salary for full-time instructional staff at Ivy League schools, 2021-2022 (Thousands USD)
Best business schools in the United States by median annual earnings net of debt payments for MBA graduates, 2022 (Thousands USD)
Survey of US College Students: Share of college students in the US who reported having ever used selected substances by gender (2022)
Share of English learner graduates compared to all graduates in the United States by state, 2019/20
Number of school closures in the United States, 1985-2023
Average annual charges for higher education per student in the US by type of institution, 1970-2022 (Thousands USD)
Federal funds for research at universities in the United States by department, 2021 (Billions USD)
Total college enrolment (undergraduate & graduate students) in the United States, 1950-2023 (Millions of Students)
Distribution of factors that had an influence on student choice of college in the United States by Pell Grant status, 2015
Distribution of students in the US enrolled in distance learning courses by type of institutions, 2021
Acceptance and attendance at first-choice college in the United States by student generation status, 2016
Number of applicants for federal student aid in the United States, 2006-2022 (Millions of Applicants)
Frequency of visiting college websites by students during their college search in the United States, 2015
Marijuana use among US college students receiving mental healthcare, 2012-2023
Average acceptance rate of colleges and universities in the United States by institution type, 2022
Share of number of colleges students applied in the United States by enrollment status, 2015
Share of parents saving for their children's college in the United States, 2007-2020
Education attainment in the United States, 2022 (Millions of People)
Share of students studying online in the US by total household income, 2022
Average annual cost of attending a four-year post secondary institution in the United States, 1990-2021 (Thousands USD)
Number of bachelor's degrees awarded in the United States by gender and subject, 2020-2021 (Thousands of Bachelor's Degrees Awarded)
US unemployment rate by level of education, 1992-2022