Transmission entry capacity of wind farms in the United Kingdom, 2010-2022 (Gigawatts)
Renewable energy investments by region, 2022 (USD Billions)
Cumulative renewable energy capacity installed globally, 2010-2022 (Terawatts)
Wind power capacity in the UK by type, 2010-2022 (Gigawatts)
Global Renewable Energy Production, 2009-2021 ( In Terawatt Hours )
% Of Renewable Energy's Contribution To The Global Electricity Generation, 2007-2022
Orsted's Installed Renewable Capacity 2010-2022
Global breakdown of investments in renewable energy across different technologies categorized by public and private sectors, 2020
Proportion Of Renewable Energy In Electricity Generation Worldwide By Region, 2022
Global Renewable Electricity Generation By Region, 2021 ( In Terawatt hours )
Annual investments into clean energy, 2015-2023 (Billions USD)
Renewable energy usage in leading countries globally, 2022 (Exajoules)