Average global EV financial subsidies at purchase in selected countries, 2022
Share of available EV models globally by region and vehicle segment, 2022
Global electricity used for charging an electric vehicle by country, 2022 (Kilowatts per EV)
Consumers' powertrain preferences for their next vehicle (October 2022)
Global oil displacement due to electric vehicles, 2011-2022 (Billion litres)
Leading reasons inhibiting EV purchase worldwide, 2022
Plug-in electric vehicle sales worldwide for main markets, 2021 vs. 2022
Locations people expect to charge their electric vehicle, 2022
Global public EV charging revenue by charger type, 2021-2030F (Billion USD)
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle sales worldwide, 2011-2022
HolonIQ Toll Roads (HIQTOLL)
Global sales of battery-electric vehicles, 2011-2022
Sales of the best-selling battery-electric vehicle manufacturers worldwide, 2022
Global private electric vehicle charging revenue by charger type, 2021
Share of electric vehicles within the global passenger car fleet, 2010-2022
Number of US EV Charging Ports - Public vs Private, Jul 2019-Jan 2023
Global electric vehicle revenue forecast, 2016-2028
Companies and organizations focussed on future-proofing transport infrastructure through increasing resilience, adaptability and sustainability.
Range of selected electric vehicle models, 2022
Global plug-in electric vehicle production, 2022
Global private and public EV charging revenue by charger type, 2021-2030F (Billions USD)
HolonIQ Ports (HIQPORTS)
EV Share of Vehicle Sales by Type