Number of People Without Access to Electricity by Region, 2000-2023
Turkmenistan - Duration of compulsory education (years)
Uzbekistan - Theoretical duration of pre-primary education (years)
Kyrgyzstan - Theoretical duration of lower secondary education (years)
Turkmenistan - End of the academic school year (pre-primary to post-secondary non tertiary education)
Uzbekistan - Teachers in upper secondary education, female (number)
Kazakhstan - Teachers in secondary education, both sexes (number)
Tajikistan - Repeaters in Grade 1 of lower secondary general education, female (number)
Tajikistan - Repeaters in Grade 3 of lower secondary general education, female (number)
Kyrgyzstan - Repeaters in Grade 2 of lower secondary general education, both sexes (number)
Kazakhstan - Repeaters in Grade 4 of lower secondary general education, both sexes (number)
Tajikistan - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, rural, middle quintile, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)
Uzbekistan - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, fourth quintile, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)
Tajikistan - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, poorest quintile, male (%)
Kyrgyzstan - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, poorest quintile, both sexes (%)
Uzbekistan - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, poorest quintile, male (%)
Kazakhstan - Total net attendance rate, lower secondary, urban, middle quintile, female (%)
Kazakhstan - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, poorest quintile, both sexes (%)
Uzbekistan - Total net attendance rate, lower secondary, adjusted wealth parity index (WPIA)
Kazakhstan - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, poorest quintile, both sexes (%)
Tajikistan - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, richest quintile, both sexes (%)
Tajikistan - Total net attendance rate, lower secondary, urban, fourth quintile, female (%)
Uzbekistan - Total net enrolment rate, primary, male (%)
Kyrgyzstan - Outbound internationally mobile tertiary students studying in Central and Eastern Europe, both sexes (number)
Uzbekistan - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, second quintile, both sexes (%)
Kyrgyzstan - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, male (%)
Kyrgyzstan - Out-of-school children of primary school age, both sexes (number)
Uzbekistan - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, fourth quintile, female (%)
Turkmenistan - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, richest quintile, female (%)
Turkmenistan - Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, fourth quintile, female (%)