Guam - Enrolment in pre-primary education, male (number)
Guam - School age population, pre-primary education, male (number)
Guam - Theoretical duration of primary education (years)
Guam - 80--84 Population (000's), SSP2 Scenario
Guam - Teachers in secondary education, male (number)
Guam - All Population (000's), SSP2 Scenario
Guam - 0--4 Population (000's), SSP2 Scenario
Guam - Teachers in tertiary education programmes, female (number)
Guam - Youth illiterate population, 15-24 years, male (number)
Guam - Start month of the academic school year (tertiary education)
Guam - End of the academic school year (tertiary education)
Guam - 90--94 Population (000's), SSP2 Scenario
Guam - Teachers in secondary education, both sexes (number)
Guam - Teachers in secondary education, female (number)
Guam - Adult illiterate population, 15+ years, male (number)
Guam - Percentage of teachers in tertiary education who are female (%)
Guam - Enrolment in pre-primary education, female (number)
Guam - 10--14 Population (000's), SSP2 Scenario
Guam - Enrolment in tertiary education, all programmes, both sexes (number)
Guam - 15--19 Population (000's), SSP2 Scenario
Guam - 40--44 Population (000's), SSP2 Scenario
Guam - Percentage of teachers in pre-primary education who are female (%)
Guam - School age population, one year before than official primary entry age, both sexes (number)
Guam - 55--59 Population (000's), SSP2 Scenario
Guam - 60--64 Population (000's), SSP2 Scenario