Number of primary and secondary school children out of school globally by gender, 2000-2019 (Millions of Children)
World Bank
14 Jul 2023
The trend in primary and secondary school enrollment rates from 2000 to 2019 has been positive, with more children completing their education, and gender disparities narrowing. Female children out of school decreased by over 75M from 2000 to 2019, while male children out of school declined by over 42M. The reduction could be attributed to various factors, including the efforts of teachers and policymakers to improve access to education and reduce dropout rates. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the education of over 1.6 billion learners globally due to full or partial school closures. UNICEF advocated for more inclusive remote learning and school reopening to support the continuity of learning. While progress has been made in reducing out-of-school rates of primary and secondary children, continued investment in education is necessary to sustain this progress.
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