
Top ten specialized skills in AI job postings in the United States, 2010 and 2022 (Thousands of Jobs)

 Top ten specialized skills in AI job postings in the United States, 2010 and 2022 (Thousands of Jobs) | HolonIQ
Over 100x increase in job postings for the top ten skills in AI

Top ten specialized skills in AI job postings in the United States, 2010 and 2022 (Thousands of Jobs)


Lightcast, 2022


15 Oct 2023


Artificial intelligence is reshaping various industries, creating a growing demand for skilled professionals where proficiency in AI-related skills can lead to high-paying job opportunities and career advancement. Among the top ten specialized skills, Data science and Amazon Web Services skills experienced a 150x increase in AI job postings, which could outpace the supply of qualified professionals, creating a talent gap. Python and computer science expertise saw over a 200K increase in AI job postings from 2010 to 2022, with an additional 100K+ increase among the remaining skills during the same period.ย 


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