
Global incidence of tuberculosis, 2021 (Per Hundred Thousand Population)

Global incidence of tuberculosis, 2021 (Per Hundred Thousand Population) | HolonIQ
Highest tuberculosis incidence prevails in Southeast Asia with 234 cases per 100K population

Global incidence of tuberculosis, 2021 (Per Hundred Thousand Population)




30 May 2023


Southeast Asia exhibits a tuberculosis (TB) rate of 234 per hundred thousand of its population, which is more than 9 times higher than Europe's rate of 25, indicating a pronounced disparity. The region's economic growth has coincided with an increase in air pollution, contributing to the TB risk. Notably, Indonesia, with its high prevalence of smoking, significantly contributes to this heightened risk. The declining air quality in these countries further make people more likely to contract TB. Meanwhile, Africa follows closely with a rate of 212 per hundred thousand of population, where the prevalence of malnutrition and weakened immune systems amplifies the vulnerability to the disease. Despite Europe boasting the lowest TB rate, concerns have risen regarding the potential increase in cases due to immigration from countries burdening TB, showcasing the interconnectedness of global health challenges.


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