
Total stroke prevalence globally by gender, 2019 (Millions of Patients)

Total stroke prevalence globally by gender, 2019 (Millions of Patients)		 | HolonIQ
Females accounted for 56% of total stroke cases in 2019

Total stroke prevalence globally by gender, 2019 (Millions of Patients)




29 Apr 2022


In 2019 strokes occurred more in females, with new stroke cases in women amounting to more than 12 million cases.  According to the World Stroke Organization, over 101 million people globally are stroke survivors, with 67% categorized as under 70 years old. Stroke prevalence is influenced by a multitude of factors, including age, gender, and significant modifiable risk factors such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, heart disease, diabetes, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption. Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States experiences a stroke, and every 4 minutes, a stroke proves fatal, contributing to 1 in every 20 deaths in the US. Lowering blood pressure (fighting hypertension) and cholesterol can mitigate the risk of strokes, which are significant contributors to mortality and disability. Innovations such as blood pressure trackers empower individuals to monitor their health, while school health programs educate youth on healthy habits, further diminishing the risk of strokes.


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