Migrant workers as a share of the total workforce among host regions, 2019
13 Apr 2021
Globally, migrant workers comprise 4.9% of the labor force in destination countries, with the Arab States exhibiting the highest proportion at 41.4%, likely as a result of skill shortages in their native population. Although migrants in Arab states are employed across various sectors, the majority are concentrated in blue-collar roles such as construction and domestic work. Despite this high proportion, North America and Europe host the largest migrant worker populations in absolute terms, totaling 78.3M compared to 24.1M in the Arab States. According to the ILO, although male migrant workers are distributed evenly across the regions, only 6% of the women migrant workforce was stationed in the Arab States. Limited job opportunities beyond the care economy (including domestic work), coupled with a significant wage gap where women earn only 12.5% of men's total earnings, likely contribute to this disparity.
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