
Survey of Parents and Teachers Globally: Do students need digital skills to be prepared for future entry into the workforce? (2023)

Survey of Parents and Teachers Globally: Do students need digital skills to be prepared for future entry into the workforce? (2023) | HolonIQ
Educators in Germany and the US value digital skills training for future workers most compared to other major regions

Survey of Parents and Teachers Globally: Do students need digital skills to be prepared for future entry into the workforce? (2023)


Capgemini Research Institute,


30 Mar 2023


Globally, 64% of teachers and 68% of parents agree that students' proficiency in digital skills is crucial not only for utilizing technology in their education but also for future career readiness. As technology continues to change the nature of work, the rise in artificial intelligence and the pandemic bringing forward an increased use of digital tools have made this skill prevalent. In 2023, 92% of jobs require digital skills, and this is expected to increase further in 2024 as demand for cybersecurity, machine learning, and artificial intelligence grows. Students' ability to develop digital skills that complement emerging technologies will help them remain competitive and adapt to the changing workforce. By improving productivity, creativity, and innovation, digital skills can add value helping students progress in their academic careers, and increase employability.


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