
Survey of US Students: Preference of students who had the opportunity to directly compare studying with ChatGPT versus a tutor (2023)

Survey of US Students: Preference of students who had the opportunity to directly compare studying with ChatGPT versus a tutor (2023) | HolonIQ
Students find studying with ChatGPT to be more effective than studying with a human tutor

Survey of US Students: Preference of students who had the opportunity to directly compare studying with ChatGPT versus a tutor (2023)




01 Dec 2023


Intelligent.com surveyed 3,017 high school and college students (ages 16-24) along with 3,234 parents of younger students to learn more about student study habits. The education landscape is shifting, particularly on the teaching front. UNESCO indicates an estimated 119 countries to face teacher shortages by 2030, which is partly attributed to the rise of AI. Currently, the general consensus among US students is that ChatGPT is more effective than human tutors. However, comparatively fewer high school/college students (85%) report that ChatGPT is more effective, possibly because high school education often requires hands-on approaches and practical learning for complex topics. EdTech valuations are also declining as Large Language Models (such as GPT, Bard etc.) replace traditional EdTech firms.

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