
Average donation by the top 10 largest donors in teacher training, 2013-2022 (Millions USD)

Average donation by the top 10 largest donors in teacher training, 2013-2022 (Millions USD) | HolonIQ
World Bank leads in teacher training donations for nearly a decade

Average donation by the top 10 largest donors in teacher training, 2013-2022 (Millions USD)




01 Jan 2024


The World Bank has consistently emerged as the largest donor for teacher training, averaging an annual contribution of $121 million over the past decade, surpassing the contribution of the second-largest donor, the UK, which provides $50 million annually. Government investment is key to sustaining a well-qualified and adequately supported teacher workforce which plays a vital role in improving the quality and resilience of educational systems. However, in many low-income countries, constraints on the education budget often limit investments in initial teacher education, continuous professional development, and enhancements in working conditions and infrastructure, after covering teacher salary costs. Projections indicate that nearly 158 countries may face a shortage of secondary education teachers and 119 countries in primary education by 2030. Hence, adequate funding and training are necessary to academically qualify individuals to mitigate the projected shortage.


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