
Lithium-ion battery manufacturing capacity, 2022-2030F (Terawatt hours)

Lithium-ion battery manufacturing capacity, 2022-2030F (Terawatt hours) | HolonIQ
China's battery manufacturing capacity dwarfs Europe, US & the Rest of the World combined

Lithium-ion battery manufacturing capacity, 2022-2030F (Terawatt hours)




16 May 2023


In 2022, the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) encouraged domestic battery plant investments and production efforts. Companies like Volkswagen and Panasonic joined forces in response to this policy, with the US projected to grow its manufacturing capabilities 9x by 2030, catalyzed by the initiative. Nevertheless, China, with a manufacturing capacity triple that of the US, Europe, and the rest of the world, is poised to maintain its dominance as a major battery superpower. This gap is projected to widen by 2030. The relatively late government support and a fragmented industry with multiple market players hinder the US' growth, even with the IRA aiming to bridge this gap. China's dominance stems from its early entrance into the market, with homegrown battery tech companies processing two-thirds of global battery-grade minerals. These companies are demonstrating considerable resilience, even in the face of the IRA.


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