
Number of years of free primary and secondary school education in the APAC region by country, 2023

Number of years of free primary and secondary school education in the APAC region by country, 2023 | HolonIQ
Free education in the APAC region ranges from 5 to 13 years

Number of years of free primary and secondary school education in the APAC region by country, 2023


UNESCO Institute for Statistics


30 May 2019


In 2023, the duration of free public primary and secondary education varied across the APAC region.  Australia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, and the Cook Islands offered the longest duration of free education for 13 years. Thailand, Pakistan, Indonesia, and several other countries provide 12 years of free schooling. Conversely, only 5 years were provided in Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam. While free education is an important foundation to ensure equal access for all students, the variation in duration reflects diverse opportunities and quality of education across the region. 


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