
Total annual household food waste in selected countries, 2022 (Million of Tons)

Total annual household food waste in selected countries, 2022 (Million of Tons) | HolonIQ
China and India are the countries with the highest volume of wasted food in 2022

Total annual household food waste in selected countries, 2022 (Million of Tons)


UNEP Food Waste Index Report


04 Dec 2023


Wasted food, originating from various sources like unsold items and plate waste, amounts to about one-third of global food production annually and is valued at around $1 trillion. This surplus could feed over two billion people in the world. According to the UN, if food waste were a country, it would rank third in CO2 emissions after the USA and China. Despite China and India leading in the volume of food wasted, per capita figures show disparities, with affluent nations like Australia and the UK seeing significant amounts of food wastage due to overconsumption. In low-income countries, food loss occurs primarily during the early harvest and storage stages. Addressing food waste is crucial, with the UN aiming to halve global food waste by 2030 as part of its Sustainable Development Goals.


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