
Land usage for utility scale solar compared to other forms of land usage in the US, 2024

Land usage for utility scale solar compared to other forms of land usage in the US, 2024 | HolonIQ
US golf courses could accommodate almost five times the current installed utility-scale solar PVs

Land usage for utility scale solar compared to other forms of land usage in the US, 2024


Various sources


27 May 2024


The land area used for utility-scale solar in the US amounts to approximately 500,000 acres. Solar, being a sustainable form of renewable energy, has immense potential if harnessed properly and efficiently.ย  In just five minutes, enough sunlight shines on the US to satisfy the country's electricity demand for an entire month, with research indicating that the entirety of the US could be powered by utility-scale solar occupying just 0.6% of the nation's land mass. There are many prospects for expanding solar power in the US. Airports and golf courses alone can accommodate over five times the existing utility-scale solar PV capacity. US continental roads, 5% of corn and soybean farms, and cotton farms could house upwards of ten times the current capacity. While China is hosting many solar farm projects in desert regions leveraging its vast geographical resources, the US is expanding in innovative ways, including carports, retired golf courses, floating solar farms, landfills, and decommissioned fossil fuel sites.
