
Number of apprentices registered in apprenticeship training programs in Canada, 2000-2023 (Thousands of Registrations)

Number of apprentices registered in apprenticeship training programs in Canada, 2000-2023 (Thousands of Registrations) | HolonIQ
Over 20% rise in registered apprentices in Canada since 2020

Number of apprentices registered in apprenticeship training programs in Canada, 2000-2023 (Thousands of Registrations)




30 Sep 2022


The number of new apprentices registered in training programs in Canada has grown over the past two decades, increasing from 199K in 2000 to 381K in 2020.  However, the 18.7% decline in new apprentices post-2013 can be attributed to changes in job availability, changes in government policies and incentives, and the rise of alternative training options.  Despite this decline, the long-term increase suggests a growing interest in alternative education pathways, which offer a cost-effective way to acquire valuable skills and improve productivity.


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