
Semiconductor sales globally by region, 2015-2022 (Billion USD)

Semiconductor sales globally by region, 2015-2022 (Billion USD) | HolonIQ
Semiconductor sales rose 40%+ between 2017 and 2022, with roughly 70% of sales coming from Asia

Semiconductor sales globally by region, 2015-2022 (Billion USD)




06 Feb 2024


Semiconductor sales increased by more than 40% from 2017 to 2022, with around 70% of these sales originating from Asia. Since 2016, China's semiconductor sales have outpaced that of other regions due to substantial government investments, strategic policies, and a booming tech sector. Domestic companies, supported by initiatives like "Made in China 2025," have ramped up production and innovation. The growing demand for electronics, 5G technology, and AI applications has further fueled China's rapid semiconductor industry growth.


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