
Number of electric car (EV) sales by selected country in the Asia-Pacific region, 2022 (Thousands of EV Sales)

Number of electric car (EV) sales by selected country in the Asia-Pacific region, 2022 (Thousands of EV Sales) | HolonIQ
China recorded the highest sale of EVs in 2022 with nearly 6M units sold

Number of electric car (EV) sales by selected country in the Asia-Pacific region, 2022 (Thousands of EV Sales)




29 Apr 2023


China recorded the highest electric vehicle sales, reaching 5.9M units. This achievement reflects strong government incentives, extensive charging infrastructure, and growing consumer demand for sustainable transportation. China's focus on reducing pollution and advancing green technology has propelled its EV market, making it a global leader in the transition to cleaner energy solutions.


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