
Global host destinations by number of international students, 2022 (Thousands of Students)

Global host destinations by number of international students, 2022 (Thousands of Students) | HolonIQ
The United States hosts nearly 950K international students

Global host destinations by number of international students, 2022 (Thousands of Students)


Institute of International Education; UNESCO


31 Dec 2023


Other nations besides those listed hosted the remaining 1.7M international students International students globally have quadrupled since 2000, reaching 6.4 million learners in 2022. The US was the top host destination in 2022, attracting nearly 950K international students, according to UNSECO data. The United Kingdom, Canada, France, and Australia were also among the top destinations, hosting a combined 31% of all international students. This growth reflects the increasing globalization in education and the growing demand for cross-cultural learning experiences.


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