
Consumption of Meat Worldwide, 2000-2050F (Million Tons of Meat)

Consumption of Meat Worldwide, 2000-2050F (Million Tons of Meat) | HolonIQ
Global consumption of meat to reach 600 million tons by 2050

Consumption of Meat Worldwide, 2000-2050F (Million Tons of Meat)


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations


04 Dec 2023


As the world population increases along with average individual income, projections for meat consumption indicate a rising trend. Israel and the United States are at the forefront of poultry consumption, which has seen a steep increase and is projected to rise above 180M tons consumed by 2050. Beef consumption is increasing, but a growing awareness of the health risks associated with excessive red meat intake may lead to a slowdown in its growth. Pork has seen a decrease in its forecasted growth rate, linked to evolving dietary preferences shaping consumer decisions along with changing ethical, health, and environmental considerations.


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