
Average total debt of students graduating from Ivy League schools, 2022 (Thousands USD)

Average total debt of students graduating from Ivy League schools, 2022 (Thousands USD) | HolonIQ
Princeton University graduates have the lowest average debt among Ivy League schools at $12.5K

Average total debt of students graduating from Ivy League schools, 2022 (Thousands USD)


U.S. News & World Report


29 Sep 2023


In 2022, students graduating from Princeton University had the lowest average total debt among Ivy League schools, at $12,500. This was significantly lower than the highest average debt of $28,400 at Cornell University, over 2.3 times higher. The other Ivy League schools fell in between. While average student debt continues to rise in the United States, Ivy League graduates generally hold lower debt burdens due to greater access to financial aid.


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