
Number of People Without Access to Electricity by Region, 2000-2023

Number of People Without Access to Electricity by Region, 2000-2023 | HolonIQ
Global access to electricity surges, but Sub-Saharan Africa lags behind.

Number of People Without Access to Electricity by Region, 2000-2023




03 Sep 2023


At a global level, the percentage of people with access to electricity has steadily increased over the last few decades. In 2000, just under 80% of the world's population had access; this has increased to more than 90% by the 2020s. In the early 2000s, over 1 billion people did not have access to electricity in developing Asia, however, in 2020 that figure was reduced to 100 million people. However, the same cannot be said for sub-Saharan Africa, as over half a billion people do not have access to electricity since the early 2000s.


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