Illiteracy rate among all adults over 15-years-old by region, 2022
World Bank
29 Dec 2023
Sub-Saharan Africa had the highest illiteracy rate of 32.3% in 2022 globally, primarily driven by widespread poverty, leading to the prioritization of survival over education. Additionally, limited access to schooling and increased child labor participation in farming were also reasons for high illiteracy. South Asia also faces high illiteracy, with a rate of 25.8% stemming from limited access to and unaffordability of education, compounded by cultural restrictions, particularly affecting females. Prolonged periods of conflict and political instability in parts of the Middle East have led to an overall illiteracy rate of 19.6% in the region. Persistent gender disparities in education, influenced by cultural norms, societal expectations, and legal restrictions, also play a part. In contrast, the West shows low illiteracy rates as a result of increased access to education, better income, and affordability, along with a stable economy.
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