
Personal Income by Certification Status, (Thousand USD)

Personal Income by Certification Status, (Thousand USD) | HolonIQ
There is emerging evidence that non-degree holders who earn a certificate or certification have higher personal median income of around $15k

Personal Income by Certification Status, (Thousand USD)


Strada Lumina Gallop


23 Oct 2023


Non-degree holders with certifications earn higher personal incomes than their non-certified counterparts, across all income brackets. For instance, in the 75th percentile, those lacking certification have an income of $54,000, in contrast to the $75,000 earned by those with certifications. This difference in earnings spans from around $9000 to over $21,000, between the 25th and 75th percentiles. This emphasizes the positive impact and value higher education certifications bring to an individual's earning potential in the workforce. Non-degree holders with certifications earn higher personal incomes than their non-certified counterparts, across all income brackets. For instance, in the 75th percentile, those lacking certification have an income of $54,000, in contrast to the $75,000 earned by those with certifications. This difference in earnings spans from around $9000 to over $21,000, between the 25th and 75th percentiles. This emphasizes the positive impact and value higher education certifications bring to an individual's earning potential in the workforce.