
Survey of US College Students: Share of college students in the US who reported having ever used selected substances by gender (2022)

Survey of US College Students: Share of college students in the US who reported having ever used selected substances by gender (2022) | HolonIQ
Alcohol, cannabis and nicotine are primary substance choices among US college students

Survey of US College Students: Share of college students in the US who reported having ever used selected substances by gender (2022)




27 Feb 2023


A survey revealed that alcoholic beverages are the primary substance of choice among college students in the US, with nearly 70% of students reporting consumption. Cannabis ranks second with a reported usage of 38%. More women report using alcohol and cannabis than men by margins of 6% and 3%, respectively. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reports that for the first time in history, women are binge drinking more than men, and a new report by Harvard University researchers shows that female college students exceed government-suggested weekly alcohol consumption limits more often than male students do. Nicotine ranks third, with around 30% of students reporting usage, and men showing higher usage than women. Hallucinogens, pills, and other hard substances make up the remaining rankings, with transgender/gender non-conforming individuals reporting equal or higher usage in all categories compared to men or women. College students often face high levels of stress related to academic performance, social life, and familial concerns which may lead them to turn to various substances as a way of coping or managing negative emotions. Providing mental health services thus becomes paramount for colleges to support their students effectively.


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